Latest News
The kick-off meeting week of the SUSTAIN-6G project has just ended.
It will be a challenging and exciting journey during which we will be able to empower our artificial intelligence and extended reality expertise in the light of environmental, social and economic sustainability.
Many updates will be available soon so!

Next Event

Transnational Project Meeting 3
Göteborgs Tekniska College – 25 – 26 March 2024
About us
The 3D LAB Research Group focuses on human-computer interaction applications and on visualisation, acquisition and management of 3D data.
Human body interaction, development of innovative product design methodologies, novel solutions for diagnostics and surgery planning and systems, emotional design, 3D sensors, augmented and virtual reality, 3D modelling and face analysis using machine learning techniques all belongs to our area of expertise.
We leverage on this knowledge to develop medical, security and safety, marketing software applications.
3D Face Analysis
Facial morphology study is currently a leading topic for several application fields linked to human-machine interaction.
3D Technologies and Tools for Surgery
Research and Development of innovative surgical guides and fixture solutions for Healthcare Industry.
Augmented Reality in Urology
The use of AR in surgery to improves the surgeon’s spatial perception of the surgical field.
Ensuring students are engaged, motivated and challenged throughout their school career is a key priority for teachers.
Innovation and new product development are essential for most companies to sustain future revenue growth.
The 3D LAB group covers the demands on education in the following disciplinary and interdisciplinary areas:

Machine Functional Modelling
The subject has the main objective to provide the fundamental skills on tools for product development, that is all the technologies that designers use to design, innovate and industrialize.

Engineering Drawing
The basic language of all engineering activities is represented, in the majority of cases, by design processes that involve the engineer in two distinct activities: modeling and communication.

Biometrics-based solutions in 3D Graphics
The course provides knowledge of 3D tools and methods for data acquisition, modeling, visualization and management of human anatomy to develop tailored solutions in different application domains.
Our team is composed by motivated people able to cover different areas of expertise.