Biennale Tecnologia 2024

18-19-20 April 2024 we had the opportunity to present our research activities related to the Digital Transition.

We showed the Virtual Reality platform that we are developing in collaboration with prof. Corrado Calì of the University of Turin as part of the NODES – Digital and Sustainable North West – Spoke 5 project to support the Healthcare Industry with a focus on the Silver Economy and the latest Augmented Reality and Artificial Intelligence solutions in the Healthcare and Cultural Heritage domains.

A heartfelt thank you to all the participants for their interest and interesting food for thought which we will treasure for the next steps of our research!

Augmented Humans: user-centered digital technologies

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is writing a new chapter in the history of humanity, where the future is defined from the synergy between the human mind and the power of the algorithm, creating extraordinary opportunities. At 3DLAB you will be able to test how we integrate AI with Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality technologies to create effective and immersive solutions serving users.