Intelligenza Artificiale e Scienze della Vita

On Friday 5 April we participated to a debate on Artificial Intelligence and Life Sciences organized by the Partito Democratico in Ivrea.

It was an opportunity to discuss the potential of AI and the possible impacts on the territory, but also to discuss the ethical implications deriving from the adoption of a technology of this magnitude.
The study and implementation of digital technologies supporting mankind are research activities carried out at 3DLAB directed by prof. Enrico Vezzetti (Department of Management and Production Engineering of the Polytechnic of Turin) and we firmly believe that these moments of contamination of ideas through the intervention of developers, users and policy makers can increase awareness on such a current topic.

A heartfelt thanks to the organizers and speakers Alberto Avetta, Brando Benifei, Chiara Foglietta, Matteo Chiantore, Enrico Capirone and Francesco Giglio.