3D SURGEERED – Progettazione di un protocollo per la pianificazione preoperatoria tramite la modellazione 3D
2018 – 2020
Interdisciplinary project

The project idea is based on the application of the principles of three-dimensional modelling typical of the engineering field in the surgical scenario.

Firstly, the 3D models of patients’ faces and skulls are extracted from CTs performed before and after the operation, to study the deviations between pre- and post-operative. These deviations are then used to design, for each type of intervention, a semi-automatic system for simulating facial movements downstream of surgical operations.

The design of this protocol will be based on data taken from interventions already performed in the surgery department and in collaboration with the maxillofacial surgery team of the “Molinette” hospital in Turin, in compliance with the rules protecting the personal data of the patients involved.

Uncertainty Lateral